When I read of Winona's internal battle with a pair of neon jeans at J. Crew, I just knew I had to show you a fairly recent purchase of my own...
Shield your eyes, my friends, the following extreme-sale-item (tulip jacket in Citron) is brighter than a solar eclipse - and I will not be responsible for any burned retinas.
The picture does not quite capture it's true radioactive color, but I'm hoping that you can just take my word for it.
I'm glad I've gotten this off of my chest, and I'm sure you will all sleep much easier at night knowing that if I ever get lost in the forest, my citron tulip life-jacket will signal the rescue planes faster than a dump truck full of fireworks!
Winona, I think this means we need to plan a Daddy Likey/Lucky Stone camping trip! I'll bring the s'mores!
i got rid of a neon yellow jacket recently and i'm still kicking myself. this is super adorable!
Ooh but I like it!
AH! I read that Daddy Likey post and laughed my ass off. And, that jacket looks great on you! It really does. I lurve it!
Te Hee! I have been pondering a purchase of same color myself. You and Winona have convinced me. I'm buying it this weekend!
Just wanted to drop a note to tell you that I really like your blog! It has some great images! I hope you don't mind if I add you to my blog roll.
I almost bought that! You look adorable...as usual :)
You are too cute!
I think it looks fantastic on you!
I love the jacket, Jessie you look adorable!
I have been coveting that jacket for awhile now! You look adorable in it!
LOVE that color! One of my coworkers refers to it as "highlighter yellow." Love it with skinny jeans and flats. Great job!
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