You guessed it! It's time again to update my Brain Candy blog roll, and it has been FAAAAR too long since the last time.
I click through my Google Reader every day, and I figured that it's high time to make sure that my new favorites get the credit they deserve.
The Lil Bee - This wildly popular blog is written by Miss Bee, a kindred soul of yours truly. Not only is she a devoted lover and supporter of dogs, she speaks Spanish, plans events, loves the color yellow, and has impeccable taste in fashion and art (the latter I could probably take some lessons in! Teach me, BEEEEEEE!).
Sucker for Marketing - A fellow mid-western gal (Can I call myself that yet? Don't tell California PLEASE), Amanda writes about beautiful chairs, funny facts, and things that make you go "what the ?!" We've become blogging buddies, and someday are going to have our very own Kansas/Missouri Blogger Convention... watch out, world!
What I Wore - Jessica takes pictures, almost daily, of her ensemble creations and the first time I came across her blog, I swear I could have clicked through the archives all day! She is a very talented thrifter, and I have been so inspired by seeing what she finds and combines to create unique looks that are edgy, yet chic at the same time.
Fashion Architect - Lopi is a grecian goddess of blogging... she was born and raised in Greece and is currently an architecture student there. She may be learning about how to design buildings, but she definitely already knows how to put an outfit together. She loves Chie Maharas (who doesn't?!), can DIY with the best of 'em, wears darling vintage dresses, and lives on a Greek island for goodness sake! What more could you possibly ask for?!
Check these ladies out for some dang good reading!
...and I'm off to continue my job hunt! Good luck, Me!
I, too, am a huge fan of Miss Bee and Sucker for Marketing! I'll go check out the other two ladies - thanks for recommending new blogs!! (PS - I have a serious blog addiction and you have just poured some more fuel on the fire :) )
i can't wait to check out some of the blogs you mentioned! thanks for the info :)
Jozette, I would offer to host your intervention, but then everyone would probably see right through me to my own bloggaddiction AND THEN WE'D BOTH BE SENT TO REHAB.
No computers there - only yoga and classic literature. Please don't make me go!
Thanks, Jessie! Looking foprward to that cocktail one of these days!
Jessie, I am so honored! Thank you for such a sweet post:) Can you tell I'm catching up on my google reader from the last week?! Took a much needed stay-cation. Anywho, I love this post...you're a doll!
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