Know what I hate?
Pity parties.
Know what I hate more than pity parties?
The fact that I just can't go on without telling you this something that I really really really don't want to have to tell.
I am utterly sick to my stomach knowing what I'm about to write... I can barely bring myself to type it, but I wanted to let you all, my sweet blog friends, know why The Lucky Stone will be a dark for a little while.
We had something terribly, completely, horribly awful happen to our little family on Saturday morning.

Our preciously perfect puppy, Remy, was hit and killed by a car on his morning walk with G.
I cannot go into the details because they are more horrific than you could ever possibly imagine, and I am already working with all my might to get the burning images out of my head.
Saturday was one of the hardest days I've ever had to endure in my life, and it is definitely the hardest thing that G and I have gone through together. While I have lost beloved dogs before (and it NEVER gets easier), I think that this instance is hitting me the hardest.
Partly because it was SOO unexpected, partly because Remy was only 1 1/2 years old, and partly because he was truly like a little piece of 'us', and now our happy foursome has gone to a very sad and lonely little three.

I hate that my recent posts have been missing my usual "Jessie-ness", and I hate to leave on a bad note. I promise that The Lucky Stone will be back up and running soon, but it might take me a few days to get back on track.

Please keep us in your prayers, and know that I will and already have been checking in on your blogs from time to time (especially since I am officially unemployed as of Friday).
Your words make me smile, and it's nice to have something to smile about during these sad days.
Much Love,
Oh Jessie, my heart goes out to you and your family. What a loss. What a beautiful little guy Remy was. I have no words to bring you peace except to say that you will be in my thoughts and prayers and I hope that if nothing else, your memories will shift from tragic and painful to joyful and tender as you think of your little man.
Oh Jessie, I am so so sorry. I'm crying at my desk. I just don't even know what to say. I love my animals so much and would be shattered if anything like that happened. My thoughts are with you.
Pets really are a part of our family, no matter how long they are with us. I am sorry for you and thinking of you.
Wow, what a bad couple of weeks this has been, huh? They say that stuff comes in threes, so if you have already had the third, phew. If not, might keep your eyes open for that last hit.
NNNOOOOO! Oh, god that is too awful for words. I am so sorry and you are most definitely in my thoughts. Loosing a pet is The Worst.
Don't feel pressure to have your usual glittering Jessie-ness for all of us. This is a tough time, and your friends (blog, and brick and mortar) understand that.
Big Hugs to you!!!
Oh Jessie, I'm so so sorry to hear about little Remy. I had a yellow lab named Remy (her dad was named Martin, hence her alcohol-inspired name) and she was an absolute joy. She died young as well and I promise it will get easier over time. The sadness will subside slowly and then you'll be left with all of the wonderful memories of him. My thoughts are with you. xxx
I am so, so sorry. You guys are definitely in my prayers.
I'm delurking from vacation where I'm not supposed to be checking email much less blogs but I just have to give you a cyber blog hug. I'm so so sorry. ...
Delurking as well to tell you how sorry I am.
What an awful thing to go through.
Jessie - I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet Remy, not to mention your employment situation. I'm totally thinking about you and hoping that you will be feeling better soon!!
Oh NO! I'm so sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you and I hope you're able to get back on track soon. :)
Sweet Jessie, I too am so very sorry that you lost that little guy. He was so precious, and I can tell how much joy he brought to your life. You're right about how it never gets easier, and it hurts to see you go through it again. Just know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Much love.
Jessie! Oh, no! That is horrible! I am heartbroken for you and am wishing you the best during this rough time...
Jessie - my heart goes out to you. Those pictures of Remy say so much about his little personality! Sending lots of love your way and hoping his happy memories are keeping your chin up.
I am so sorry for your loss. My husband and I have 2 dogs and they are our babies, so I completely understand what you must be going through. They are furry and have 4 legs, but they are so much of family. Hang in there...
I. Love. You. All.
I have truly felt your hugs, and I am so appreciative to have friends (blog or not) like each and every one of you.
Here are some hugs right back...
I am so, so sorry. I know how painful it is to lose a pet; it really is like losinng a family member. Remy looks like such a sweet little doggy. This post broke my heart.
Oh, honey. I am so, so sorry to hear that. We love you. And we'd have loved Remy. You're in my prayers! :)
I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing a family member is beyond words, and I'm again very sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
oh no, Jessie, I am so sorry...I just tried to type, like, three stories trying to relate to your pain...but I can't. so just know that I'm thinking about your little buddy and I'm sure he's thinking about you.
Jessie, I am so sorry. This breaks my heart. I don't even know what to say. I am thinking about you and I know how much pain you are in. It is so dreadfully painful to lose a pet, especially this way. I am sending you hugs.
I am so sorry. I had this happened to one of my cats some years ago and I know the feeling. You will remember him with love, like I did.
Little Remy was one of the cutest and neatest dogs I have ever had the priviledge of getting to know. The hole left in Jessies and Gerard's lives is huge. Time erases the pain but you never stop missing the personality and the frienship you have with that little guy. He is playing up in heaven right now and having awonderful time. love mom
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