Last Friday, my bloggy-friend-turned-real-life-friend, Amanda, drove to Kansas City to that we could meet up and conquer a full day of vintage and antique shopping together!
She has been quite an inspiration to me, and is a great person to go to with ideas and questions that I have had about a great big project I have been getting ready for recently. Since I find many of my materials at several vintagey-fun stores in KC that are only open on the first weekend of the month, we decided it would be a great time for her to come out and help me scour the shops! (And find a few things for herself, as well!)
Our first stop was Urban Mining Homewares, which happens to be right up the street from my house. They have dozens and dozens of booths that are chocked full of vintage linens, handmade items, old records, paper ephemera, antique eyeglasses, and lots more! I had to majorly hold back on a really cute pair of vintage eyeglasses (which happen to be on my Wishlist), but I was on a mission and could not be swayed!
We came across this REALLY cool hanging light fixture...
Made of CHEESE GRATERS! So clever. And also this hanging planter made of a vintage pot!
My only purchase from UMH was THIS BEAUTY...
A vintage typewriter that still works!!! It was only $20 and it looks SO cute sitting on the entryway table in our hall. I put a piece of paper in it and G and I started typing notes to each other when we walked by, and then after several friends seeing it this weekend, they started leaving us messages as well! So funny, because then I saw this post over at sfgirlbybay, and it sounds like she had the same idea!
Next we went to Architectural Salvage, which was SO fascinating. Lots and lots of really cool pieces saved from the landfill and marked up to ridiculously high prices. One of the best parts about this stop was the plumbing fixture room! Made me think of two of my favorite bloggers, Courtney and Erika! We didn't buy anything there, but it is so fun to browse and come up with ideas using things that we saw. Amanda took a picture of me there, trying on the cool old hats! This one obviously didn't fit, and I think I may have looked a little like the pope wearing a pink hat.
Good Ju Ju was the next place on the list, and this stop is always one of my favorites! They also have many different sellers, but with a much more retro-meets-shabby-chic vibe. Lots of art, vintage and rebuilt clothing, retro furniture, and other homewares. We didn't buy anything here, but this is also a great source for vintage linens and fabric, and it is always hard to leave empty handed!
The next stop was at the River Market. Specifically, a new little shop called Vintiques. It is only a few months old, but they have an amazing selection, and a very uncluttered set-up, which I liked. I found this vintage fabric there, and can't wait to turn it in to something fabulous! (Oh, and they also serve FREE yummy chocolate chip cookies to anyone who comes in the store!)
After a quick lunch at a local organic grocery store salad bar, we headed over to a new place that Amanda introduced me to, and I know I will never be the same again! It is called Urban Arts and Crafts and it is exactly what Kansas City needs! I think they have been around a while, but they are further North of the city than I usually go. I have never seen such an amazing selection of fabrics, beads, yarn, stamps, and paper goods all in one place before. I am so used to hitting up Joann's (only when absolutely necessary) and I am really sick of their stuff, so UA+C was a refreshing change! It took much deliberation to narrow my fave fabrics down to two... and these are the ones that ended up coming home with me.
They are going to become new upholstery for some vintage chairs I have been hoarding, and I will be sure to post pictures here when I finish them!
We had such a fun time exploring the city and being creative, and I can't wait until we get to hang out again soon!
Fun shopping trip! Love your fabrics.
Did you ever comment on my bag giveaway on Tuesday? If you like vintage fabrics, you'll love the bag that Bee Gee Bags sent me for the givaway - check it out! At the very least visit I just found this designer and I think she is fabulous.
Sounds like a great time! Thanks for sharing :)
Oh I love your pics...I feel as though I was there! And I love your typewriter Jessie. Such a fun shopping trip!
It WAS so fun! I need for you to come here and help me with C's room soon. Then I can go shop again soon! Yi
I am POSITIVELY drooling over that beautiful typewriter! What a great find! Nice job!
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