This week has been a crazy one as I have been getting ready for my Girls Trip this weekend, and also preparing for a big event that is coming up in November... but I'll tell you about that next week. :)
The originally planned foursome has dropped to a still-really-excited-three, due to some rigorous nursing school midterms, but we are still just as jazzed to spend the weekend together.
My google reader is telling me that I have about 400 posts that are yet to be read, so that is what I will be doing at the airport/on the plane.
I hope that you all get to enjoy a nice early fall weekend, and get out those jack-o-lanterns, because Halloween is almost here!!! Ta-ta, my lovelies!
Oh, oh! is this your Denver weekend? I wish I had suggestions for you but I'm totally pulling a blank. Dress warmly, my sweet--it's supposed to snow!
Jessie. Why are you the most adorable thing/person on the planet? Seriously. That dress you are wearing in the first photo??? To. Die. For. As are you :)
Have so much fun with your girlies!!! I'm excited for you. We want stories and photos!!
Hope you hav a great time! Also, I loooove those shoes in the first picture!!!
what is happening in november?!
you are stunner!
Easily some of my favorite comments ever!
We had the best time, and yes, SGM it was FUHREAZZZZING!
Jennifer, we trained for months for the ICO (International Cute Olympics), but only finished with two silvers and a bronze. Thanks for the overwhelmingly generous assumption though. And let's make sure that Phelpsian becomes an official word, kay?
Jozettey, that dress is EASILY one of my favorites. I got it years ago at F21! The shoes are Steve Maddens that were on may-jah sale and I've had them forever, too.
Miss Karey, you will just have to wait and see! HEEEE! Very soon!
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