Well, I'm trying my hardest to get my France pictures posted (despite my crazy month of traveling), so that I can continue on with regular blogging, so here is my fourth (and favorite) installment...

The view on the way to the coastal town of Cassis

Me at the Marina!

Beautiful blue Mediterranean

Chillaxin on the beachy beach

More cute windows! (above and below)

Cassis was the most darling of all the towns we visited in France (check out the palace on top of the cliff in the background)
In front of the marina with our post-beach-ice-cream

Au revoir, Cassis! I hope to visit again soon!
I love it! Every bit. Great shots!
Ah, Cassis! I spent my 22nd birthday there (visiting the couple who are getting married there next summer). I loved the area but would have had a better birthday if they did not make me go on a hike! I think I need to edit my memory and pretend I spent my day there at the beach and eating gelato like you did :)
Thanks for your sweet comment on my Pollyanna post!
Oh MON DIEU. C'est si belle. I've been to Cassis and I loved it. Your pictures took me right back!
I wanted to comment on your travels or the Med but all I could see was your gorgeous body and face! Blinded!
You are daaaahling!
Ok. Its official.
I hate you and your perfect, cellulite-free body!
Just kidding. But seriously, could you be more perfect?
Oh yeah- and France looks nice too.
Mary - are you sure you're not sick of my vacation photos yet?!
Robin - I am so jealy that you get to go there next summer... make Brad buy you a big gelato cone immediately upon your arrival!
J - I have NO idea what you said (you little Frenchie, you!), but it sounded good! Cassis is amazing!
Amanda & Sneaky - Oh puhlease... you are too sweet. I was so hesitant to put up bikini shots, but the only good ones I had of the Med and the beach had me in it too!
P.S. Cellulite FREE!?!?! I may not have it on my stomach or my arms... but it's pretty much everywhere else. But THANKS ANYWAYS SNEAKY!
Ok - a little translation for ya: "Oh, Mon Dieu - C'est si belle" = Oh my God, it's so beautiful.
C'est tout! (That's all!)
Those are like, the only French words I know. I show 'em off when I can :)
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