Today is the first day of my Yoga Certification Program, and I'm pretty excited about it. I will be yoga-ing it up from eight to five for the next two weeks, PLUS getting ready for the West Bottoms Urban Bazaar (SCRAMBLE!), but posting should continue as normal.
I hope.
Oh, and also?
Today is my birthday. :)
Happy Birthday, friend!
I am so excited about your yoga gig! How cool is that? I'd tae yoga from you any day!
Happy Day!
I so want to get certified to teach yoga. It's on my to-do list.
Happy Birthday! And Namaste.
Jessie - That's so awesome, I can't wait to hear how it goes.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Darling Jessie! I hope you are filled with joy today!
Happy birthday! And very cool about your certification. Have a great day!
Happy birthday!! Good luck with your certification. That sounds wonderful!
happy birthday, you sweet little thing!
hope your day is fab and beautiful...
yoga? very cool. xoxo.
{and check your stats...i've been trying to leave a comment for 15 minutes! aargh! but that's how much i adore you...}
Happy Birthday Jessie!!!
And you know how excited I am for you re: yoga by the stupidly long email I sent you, but I will say again - Congrats, I couldn't be happier for you!!!
Happy Birthday!
That yoga certification course sounds really wonderful.
Have fun!
OMG Happy Birthday to youuuuu, Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.... happy birthday dear Jessie...
happy biiiiiiiirthday toooooo youuuuuuuu. :)
and i love that you are taking yoga certification classes. i have always wanted to do that!
Happy Birthday from everyone here at the Crew! Have fun tonight at your birthday surprise!!!!
I'm late. I stink.
Happy Birthday, Lil Jessie!
you're going to be a yoga! NEATO!
And Happy Birthday!!!!
I just realized I wrote, "you're going to be a yoga." What I really meant was, "you're going to be a yogi."
is today Monday?
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