Missing my immediate family today... this is my first major holiday spent with my in-laws, and it feels so different. Not bad. Just very different. I missed out on volunteering for the Salvation Army with my Dad and Brother this morning, I'm missing out on watching the parade and the dog show with my Mom and aunts, and I'm missing out on all the memories they are making without me.
Ok, thanks for letting me vent.
Enough sadness.
I adore G's family, and I count myself very lucky for that, but since I won't get to be a part of the tradition where my Dad goes around the Thanksgiving table and interviews every one on what they're thankful for, I will just share it myself!!!
I am thankful for this little blog! I am thankful for my readers, both new and old, my faithful commenters, and the encouragement and inspiration that I get from hearing from you all and reading about many of your own lives.
I am thankful for my dear dear friends. In Arizona, in California, in Kansas City, on the web (!), and all over the world. I could not get by without any of you... honestly. I am so thankful for what blessings you are in my life, and for the joy and energy that you breathe into me! Thank you for the laughter, the hugs (both virtual and real-life), the silliness, the shopping, the crafting, and most of all for your unending support.
I am thankful for my little kitty-o, who came to us as a sort of accident and has changed me from a cat-hater to a full-on-kitty-lover! I am thankful for a kitty who is affectionate, playful, and always keeps my feet warm. Zo', you are such a treat, and I am so thankful to be able to call you ours, and so honored to be your Mama.
I am thankful for my mom, dad, and brother - my homebase, my rocks, my cheerleaders. I am thankful for my relationship with each of you, and for an immediate family who always has and continues to show each other unconditional love.
I am thankful for a precious husband who I love more than anything. I am thankful that he is tender and funny and kind. I am thankful that he lets me know how much he loves me, everyday. I am thankful that I found and married my best friend!
I am so thankful for my extended family, my health, my neighbors, my church, my job, yoga, puppies, the ocean, funny movies, our home, white flowers, hazelnut coffee, boardgames, magazines, the plaza library, fall leaves, the winter holiday season, and EVEN MORE! (If you can believe it!)
I could just go on and on, and I guess it's a good thing I'm not sharing them all at the dinner table, because we would already be eating pie by the time I was done!
Wherever you are and whoever you're with, I hope that you all have a warm and cozy, deliciously fun and blessed Thanksgiving!
I am thankful for you, my Luckies!